



Registration Requirement

Only registered students who appear on an instructor’s course roster may attend Woodbury’s classes. This applies to all in-building, online, and hybrid courses. Any exceptions should be directed to the Office of Disabilities and Accessibility Services.


Auditing Courses

The auditing of courses constitutes a serious commitment on the part of the student. A decision to audit a course rather than take it for academic credit should be made in consultation with the student’s academic advisor. Students should realize that enrollment in a course for audit may not be the basis for a course waiver or serve as a pre-requisite for subsequent courses. The policy on academic loads applies equally to credit and audit registrations.


A matriculated undergraduate student may elect to audit a course within the 18-unit maximum for the comprehensive unit cost of the semester’s tuition. For approved units in excess of 18, the charge is 50% of the tuition per unit as stated in the current handbook.


When a course is audited, there are no examinations or grades recorded. However, regular attendance is expected so that the student’s presence is not disruptive to the progress of the class. An audit registration may not be changed to a credit registration after the first week of the semester. The policy on academic load will prevail for matriculated students who enroll in courses for audit.


A credit registration may not be changed to an audit registration after the first week of the semester.


Occasionally, members of the public may want to audit courses. The University particularly welcomes alumni, who may wish to update their skills and knowledge, and senior citizens who seek to enhance their learning. Admission to classes is dependent upon space availability once the needs of matriculated students have been met. The audit charge is 50% of the regular tuition plus a course audit fee.


Non-Matriculated Student Registration

The University welcomes limited registration of students who have not applied for admission. Prior to official admission, students are permitted to complete up to 18 units, with no more than 11 units being completed in any one semester. Upon completion of 18 units, further registration will be authorized only after acceptance for admission to the University has been approved. Academic requirements, including pre-requisites, apply to non-matriculated students in the same manner as they do to matriculated students.


Prospective non-matriculated students must provide the Office of Admissions with proof that pre-requisite course-work and other academic requirements have been fulfilled prior to registration. In addition, approval of the department chair or the dean of the school is required.


Non-Matriculated High School Student Registration

Woodbury University invites eligible high school students to take one course for college credit per semester at Woodbury. Students will be offered seats in underfilled courses at the 100 and 200 level that do not have pre-requisites. This credit would typically transfer to other colleges should the students, upon graduation from high school, choose not to attend Woodbury University.


Criteria for eligibility:

● Be a true junior

● Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

● Obtain a letter of recommendation from at least one teacher or program administrator

● Comply fully with Woodbury University’s policies (i.e., use of library materials within the library, registration deadlines)

● Complete course requirements as defined by the syllabus with no exceptions

● Obtain approval of the instructor-of-record


Students participating in this program are eligible for academic services at Woodbury University (i.e., library, com-puter labs, writing center), but are not eligible for non-academic services (i.e., transportation, health care [except for emergency medical needs], financial aid, room and board).


The Office of Admissions at Woodbury University oversees all admissions procedures.



Add-and-Drop Period - Undergraduate Program

Students are encouraged to add and/or drop classes online. If this is not possible, registration changes are accepted at the Registrar’s Office. Add-and-drop periods end on the last day of week two of each semester. Adding Intensive Degree Program courses (seven-week School of Business or six-week summer session courses) ends the Friday before the session begins. Students may drop these classes through the Friday of the first week of the session but may not add an Intensive Degree Program course once the session begins. The exact dates are an-nounced and posted outside the Registrar’s Office each semester and in the Academic Calendar published in this catalog.


Withdrawal From Courses

It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from courses. Beginning with the close of the program change period through the ninth week, students in 15-week classes may withdraw from courses and receive a “W” grade. Students in Intensive Degree Program courses may withdraw through the third week of a session. All withdrawals from courses require submittal of an official Program Change Form.


International students should consult with their advisors before submitting Program Change Forms.


If withdrawal from all courses is requested, the above procedures must be followed and the last date of attendance in class must be indicated on the withdrawal form. (See section on Administrative Withdrawal.)


Faculty-generated Withdrawal of Students From Courses

Students who voluntarily discontinue attending class but who fail to withdraw officially before established deadlines may be issued a “WU” grade by their instructor. Instructors are not required to issue a “WU” grade and may issue an “F” grade instead. “W” or “I” grading symbols that indicate a withdrawal or incomplete grade will not be issued to students who have failed to follow the withdrawal procedure.


Withdrawals Due to U.S. Armed Forces Military Mobilization

Any current student ordered to service due to emergency or other declared U.S. Armed Forces military mobilization who must withdraw from the University will be given special consideration as follows:



● Complete withdrawal from the term/s without penalty. A letter grade of “WM” indicating withdrawal due to military service will be assigned.

● Students can petition for course credit based on work completed. Decisions to grant credit will be at the discretion of the instructor and department chair.

● Degrees will be awarded if credit is granted in those courses that meet the completion (graduation) requirements for the program.


● In circumstances in which course credit is not awarded, students will receive full refunds of tuition and pro-rated refunds of room and board without penalty. For full refund policy, please reference the Registration, Tuition, Fees, and Charges Policy section.


● The two-year leave of absence for persons on active duty will be extended by up to six months following re-turn to inactive service.


Intensive Degree Program Add/Drop/Withdrawal


Intensive Degree Program seven-week courses (one class per week):

● Complete drop during first week, 100% refund, no grade

● Withdrawal during second week, 25% refund, “W” grade

● Withdrawal prior to third class meeting, no refund, “W” grade

● No withdrawals will be processed after fourth week of semester


Intensive Degree Program six-week summer session:

● Complete drop before first week of classes begin, 100% refund, no grade

● Complete drop during first week of classes, no refund, no grade

● Withdrawal after first week of classes, no refund, “W” grade

● No withdrawals will be processed after fourth week of semester


Students who find it necessary to withdraw from courses may begin the withdrawal process by contacting an advisor or the Registrar’s Office prior to the deadline.


Administrative Drop

The faculty reserves the right to request the registrar to have students dropped administratively from a course when pre-requisite course(s) have not been completed. Pre-requisites are regularly monitored by the Registrar’s Office and students are notified if they are dropped from a class.


Students who do not attend scheduled classes during the first week of the semester are subject to the University’s administrative drop policy. Under this policy, instructors can “administratively drop” students who do not attend class sessions during the add/drop period. Non-attendance reported to the Registrar’s Office may result in the class or classes being removed from the student’s schedule. Students receive notification from the Registrar’s Office when this action occurs. The Business Office and the Office of Financial Aid are also notified of this action. Based upon the student’s enrollment status, adjustments may be made that affect the amount of tuition charged, as well as the amount of financial aid received. The student will be charged an administrative non-attendance (“no-show”) fee of $150 if administratively dropped from a class or classes.


Administrative Withdrawal

The University reserves the right to suspend or withdraw a student from courses and/or the University when disciplinary action is justified due to:

● unacceptable behavior

● financial circumstances

● failure to meet course pre-requisite(s)

● non-attendance in all courses


If a student is withdrawn administratively from the University and all courses for unacceptable behavior, financial circumstances, or non-attendance, no tuition or fees are credited or refunded, and the student is notified of the action taken by the University.


Students who are administratively withdrawn are not eligible to continue class attendance or to receive grades. Courses may be repeated during a future semester with normal tuition and fees assessed, provided there is authorization to return to the University.


Withdrawal From the University

Students withdrawing from the University must complete the formal withdrawal process. A petition form must be obtained from the Registrar’s Office and the process completed before leaving the University. Students who with-draw from the University and decide to return at a later date must reapply for admission under the degree requirements in effect at time of prospective readmission.



Students taking a leave of absence from the University for one or more semesters to a maximum of three semesters, beginning when courses were last attempted, must complete the formal approval process. Applications may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office and the process should be completed before leaving the University. Stu-dents should meet with a representative from the Financial Aid Office prior to filing for a leave of absence.



In granting leaves of absence, Woodbury University recognizes the occasional need of our students to interrupt their academic work for a period of time. A leave of absence allows a Woodbury student to return to his or her studies after the leave without reapplying to the University. Specific reasons for leaves of absence vary, as do lengths of time granted for leaves. Woodbury University policy is designed to meet these varying needs and pro-vide opportunities for students to discuss with a University representative the implications and responsibilities pertaining to a leave of absence.


Application Procedure

All students interested in applying for leaves of absence should complete an application form available from the Office of Student Development or the Registrar’s Office. The form asks for the duration of the leave, the plans for the period of the leave, and a written statement detailing why the leave is requested. The completed application must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for final approval. The application form and the written statement will be kept as part of the student’s record. It is strongly recommended that students consult with an academic advisor to fully understand any impacts to their academic program.


Time of Absence

A leave of absence may extend up to three semesters, excluding summer sessions. Requests for leaves of absence (or for leave extensions) should normally be made before the end of the preceding semester. Requests for immediate leaves of absence (starting while classes are still in session) may be submitted under exceptional circum-stances.


University Fees

Students taking leaves of absence from the University shall be subject to the same refund policy as withdrawing students. Students planning leaves of absence are responsible for making all arrangements with regard to financial aid directly with the Financial Aid Office and for meeting all necessary financial aid deadlines. It is essential that students meet with representatives from the Financial Aid Office to preserve their financial aid while on leave. In addition, students planning leaves of absence are responsible for meeting all financial obligations and deadlines with the University. Student should plan to meet with representatives of the Business Office to discuss all financial aspects of their leaves.


Extensions of Leave

Woodbury University does not usually approve leaves of more than three semesters, and requests to extend leaves beyond the third semester will only be approved under exceptional circumstances. Requests for extension of a leave must be made in writing to the Registrar’s Office for consideration by the Faculty Academic Policy Ap-peals Committee.


Return to the University

If no restrictions have been placed on a leave of absence, a student may return to the University after the period of leave without applying for readmission. Most leaves of absence have no restrictions, but in certain special cases, restrictions may exist. If a student takes a leave and is later deemed by the appropriate academic body to have

performed unsatisfactory work before the leave, a return to Woodbury University may be subject to approval by that body, or the leave may be revoked. The Dean of Students may designate a leave as “medical” and may require a doctor’s recommendation before the student’s return is approved. A student on leave is accountable to the behavior standards outlined in this handbook as well as in the student handbook.


Failure to Return after a Leave

A student who does not return at the end of a leave, and has not requested an extension, is considered withdrawn from the University and out of status. If a student later wishes to return to the University, an application for read-mission must be presented to the Office of Admissions. At that time, the student will be admitted under the most recent handbook, not the handbook of original matriculation.


Leaves of Absence and Readmission

Students remain in active status for three semesters while on leaves of absence. If not re-enrolled by the fourth semester (excluding summer sessions), a student must apply for readmission.


NOTE: Former students who are re-admitted after falling out of status will matriculate under the degree require-ments in effect at the time of readmission.



Please refer to the Woodbury University Student Handbook for more information about this policy.



Consult with your International Student Advisor to discuss the immigration impact when you are considering taking a personal leave, a medical leave, withdrawing from your program or are being asked by your program to take a leave.

Personal/Voluntary Leave and Involuntary Leave

If you choose to take a leave for personal reasons or if you are asked by your school to take a leave, you are not permitted to remain in the U.S. in F-1 student status during your leave. Your International Student Advisor is required to terminate your F-1 status in SEVIS within 15 days of your official leave. To return from a leave, you must request a new initial I-20, pay the SEVIS fee and apply for a new F-1 visa if needed.

Medical Leave

As an F-1 student, if you receive permission for a Reduced Course Load (RCL) due to medical reasons, you are permitted to keep your F-1 status active and remain legally in the U.S. Only twelve months of medical leave or reduced course load is allowed. Your International Student Advisor can only authorize this type of leave for one semester at a time and a letter from a Medical Doctor is required.



Transfer credits are accepted when applicable toward major, minor, general education, and elective requirements for the Woodbury University degree.


Petitions for registration at another institution concurrent with Woodbury enrollment are available at the Registrar’s Office. Petitions for concurrent enrollment are evaluated by the registrar or a designee, subject to University transfer, residency, and academic load policies. Students who register at other institutions but have not obtained advance approval from the Registrar’s Office are ineligible to receive transfer credit for the concurrent registration.


The same procedure is required prior to CLEP, DANTES, and Excelsior College Examinations in order to receive transfer credit. See also the Credit by Examination section under Admission Requirements.



Woodbury University reserves the right to retain all student projects in perpetuity for archival purposes. If a project is retained for a designated period of time and not claimed, the University may dispose of the project as it sees fit. Reasonable care will be taken to ensure the safety of all projects, but the University will not be responsible for loss or damage. Originators will be acknowledged in any project displays.