
MGMT 362 Trends and Dilemmas in Management

This course takes a critical look into management, from its formal introduction in the late 19th century and its multi-directional evolution in the 20th century, to its current stage, in which many of the past developments and trends are criticized. Students will be exposed to a number of contemporary management issues at national and global levels, and encouraged to reflect critically on these issues. The intention is not to formulate answers to these issues, but to become aware of them, thus gain increased preparedness for the challenges that await in near-future business-related settings. Students will use BusinessWeek, Forbes, Fortune, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, Inc, or other popular business resources as providers for weekly dialogue and brainstorm topics. With philosophical roots of politics, ethics, globalization, economic and financial trends revealed, students will be encouraged to step outside a narrow perceptional framework and into the broad and creative realm of future trends. Lecture. Prerequisites: MGMT 100, Foundations of Business Enterprise; WRIT 113, First-Year Academic Writing




MGMT 100, WRIT 113