Student Handbook

Student Organizations

Educational experiences at Woodbury extend beyond the classroom. Student organizations create opportunities to develop leadership skills, meet new people, have fun, and engage in professional development and networking. Student interest drives the development of each organization—find one that matches your interests, or you are welcome to start a new one!

Student Organizations

All student organizations using the Woodbury University name in any capacity are required to be registered with Student Affairs.


  1. Present ideas, information, and suggestions on topics of concern to the University faculty, students, administration, and Board of Trustees.
  2. Request funding for Associated Students of Woodbury University (ASWU) events in accordance with Organization Allocations Committee (OAC (Organizational Allocations Committee)) guidelines.
  3. Pursue activities and directions of interest to members, if they are legal, ethical, and not in violation of any University policies or procedures.
  4. Advertise and promote the group and its activities on campus and in campus publications with approval from Student Affairs.
  5. Limited use of campus copying and duplicating services with approval of Student Affairs for materials related to student organization business.
  6. Use of campus mailbox.
  7. Hold fundraisers for the organization or charitable causes. All fundraising must be approved by Student Affairs.
  8. Create and link student organization website to the Woodbury University website according to university procedures (see Student Affairs).


  1. Adhere to all federal, state, and local laws.
  2. Read, understand, and adhere to all University policies and procedures.
  3. Understand and follow all University procedures for the use of campus services, such as printing, mailing, posting, facility reservations, financial services, etc. To be a recognized student organization at Woodbury University, the organization must attend all ASWU meetings and adhere to ASWU policies and procedures.
  4. Maintain an account in the Business Office through which funds may be deposited and withdrawn according to university procedures. Student Affairs may revoke privileges of any organizations in debt.
  5. Promote and foster the educational and developmental mission of the University and Student Affairs.
  6. Respect the rights and privacy of other groups and individuals in pursuit of their plans, goals, and activities.
  7. In all organizational activities, be mindful of the interests and needs of the total membership of the organization as well as the entire University community.
  8. Have a minimum of four active officers (a president, treasurer, and two other officers of the organization’s choosing) in addition to a membership body. This is to ensure the organization’s longevity, reduce officer burnout, and increase involvement and buy-in from the student body.
  9. No student may hold an executive board office in a student organization while on student conduct or academic probation or having been on academic warning for two or more consecutive semesters.
  10. Register regular meetings for membership through the Facility Reservation and Event Authorization (FREA) process.
  11. Participate in official campus-wide events including, but not limited to, Week of Welcome and Woodstock.
  12. Be responsible for themselves and their guests at all group functions and at University events in which the group participates.
  13. Have a full-time (includes participating adjuncts) faculty/staff advisor. Organizations must consult regularly with their advisor(s) and keep them informed of all relevant plans and activities. The advisor’s signature is required on all requests for ASWU funding, financial transactions, and Facility Reservation and Event Authorizations.
  14. Pay all financial obligations in a timely manner from the organization’s available funds.
  15. Have representation at Student Organization Orientations, organized through Student Affairs.
  16. Have representation at all ASWU meetings (i.e., Organization Allocation Committee Training).
  17. Have organization representation at meetings and training deemed mandatory by Student Affairs.
  18. Check and use appropriately the organization’s official Woodbury student organization email account on a regular basis to ensure efficient and accurate communication.


  1. In the event of an alleged violation, the Designee for Student Affairs will contact the organization’s president and advisor(s).
  2. A governing student council (such as Greek Life Association or ASWU) may hold its own concurrent hearing separate from the University conduct process.
  3. Individual representatives of a student organization may face charges independent of the organization. Refer to the Conduct Process section of this handbook for further information regarding violations by Registered Student Organizations.


Student organizations that fail to renew and re- register themselves each fall and spring semester are deemed inactive by Student Affairs and ASWU. Reinstatement allows inactive student organizations to become active again if the student organization was inactive for no more than 12 months as of the date it was last deemed active. Whenever a student organization has been inactive for more than 12 months, the organization must submit a new, current Student Organization Registration Renewal Packet to Student Affairs. The organization will then be eligible for ASWU-OAC funding as well as access to the student organization account with the Business Office and must assume all debts and credits associated.


If several students have an interest or concern not met by one of the existing student organizations, it is possible to start a new group. The first step in this process is for a student to identify several students with the same interest. The minimum number of students required to start an organization is ten (10). Then the group should meet with Student Affairs to begin developing a constitution and complete the necessary registration forms. The Designee for Student Affairs will work with the students to develop a foundational constitution, mission, leadership, and purpose. Once registration has been approved, the new student organization may seek recognition through ASWU.


Woodbury University encourages students to affiliate with registered student organizations. However, sometimes student organizations lose recognition for inactivity and/or violation of campus policies. These groups lose all University privileges afforded to student organizations and may not participate in any University functions (including Week of Welcome, etc.). Sometimes these unrecognized student groups attempt to operate without university support or oversight. Individual students and recognized organizations may not affiliate with nor support unrecognized student groups in any way (including attending events, giving or loaning funds or resources, advertising events, etc.).


Organizations must register all events, whether on- or off- campus, through the FREA process.
Events will be considered student organization events if one or more of the following criteria are met:

  • The event is planned during an organization meeting.
  • The organization or the University’s name is attached to the event.
  • The event utilizes funds through any of the organization’s accounts.
  • The event is advertised on campus or through any campus-affiliated venues.
  • 50% or more of the organization’s members attend.

When in doubt, organizations should consult with the Designee of Student Affairs.