Financial Aid Disqualification And Probation Status And Provisions For Regaining Eligibility For Financial Aid
Financial Aid Disqualification And Probation Status And Provisions For Regaining Eligibility For Financial Aid
Financial Aid Disqualification Status
Financial aid recipients who are unable to meet the qualitative and/or quantitative standards outlined under the policy on satisfactory academic progress (SAP) disqualify themselves from financial aid. An appeal must be filed with the Financial Aid Office to be considered for probation status. Warning notices of pending disqualification are mailed to students at the conclusion of the fall semester. Official notices of financial aid disqualification status are mailed to students at the conclusion of each academic year.
For purposes of financial aid, summer session enrollments may be used to remediate units from the previous fall and spring academic semesters. To remediate GPA deficiencies, courses must be completed at Woodbury, as GPA quality points are only applied to units completed in residency. When probation status is not removed within the time limit, students lose their eligibility for financial aid.
Loss of Eligibility for Financial Aid
When the terms of the policies on satisfactory academic progress and financial aid probation status are not met, students experience a loss of eligibility for financial aid. Students who are disqualified from financial aid may continue to study at the University if they are not also academically disqualified. Academic achievements during this period may assist students in regaining eligibility for financial aid during future terms of enrollment.
Provisions for Regaining Eligibility for Financial Aid
Students who have lost their eligibility for financial aid may regain eligibility by remediating the factors that caused the disqualification, including the following:
Financial Aid Probation Status
Official notices of financial aid probation status are mailed to students following a successful appeal of loss of eligibility for financial aid. During semesters with an approved financial aid probation status, students remain eligible for financial aid and must meet the conditions of their probation to continue their eligibility during future semesters. The conditions of an approved financial aid probation status are defined based upon the student’s academic deficiencies and must be met within specified time frames. When probation status is not removed within specified time limits, students lose their eligibility for financial aid programs.
Procedures for Appeals to the Policies on Satisfactory Progress
Students who have not made satisfactory academic progress have the right to appeal their loss of eligibility for financial aid. Students who believe they have extenuating circumstances may submit a written letter of appeal and provide full documentation of those circumstances for review by the Director of Enrollment Services or the director’s designee. Each appeal will be considered on the merits of its circumstances and on an individual basis. Decisions on appeals are final and will be documented in writing.
Petitions to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee
Written petitions for exceptions to financial aid policy are filed at the Financial Aid Office and directed to the attention of the Director of Enrollment Services. Each petition is evaluated on its own merits based on the special circumstances presented by the student. Students are notified in writing regarding the decision.
Disabled Students
Woodbury University is sensitive to the needs of disabled students and makes reasonable accommodations to create an accessible campus. In addition, when determining financial need, the Financial Aid Office takes into consideration extra costs that disabled students may incur while pursuing higher education. Resources available through federal and state programs also are considered when evaluating students’ special needs.