
Campus Facilities


The Annex is home to a variety of classrooms and activities, mostly in the design and media areas, including the Woodbury University stop-motion lab, filmmaking editing suite, radio station, and studios.



The Architecture Complex is a center of dedicated studio spaces for Architecture students. Students can access studios 24/7 throughout the year. Also included in the Complex are the Wedge Gallery, Physics Lab, classrooms, the Julius Shulman Institute, and the Ahmanson Main Space.


Making Complex

Students have access to the materials testing lab, wood shop, and digital fabrication facilities in the Architecture Complex. These facilities offer hand and power tool use, CNC milling, 3D printing, laser-cutting and Robotic Arm machine. Students are required to take and pass the Shop Safety Course and the Digital Fabrication Orientation before using the equipment.



The Business Building houses the Office of the Dean of the School of Business as well as the offices of the associate dean, business chairs, faculty, and administrative staff. The building also houses University Advancement, seminar rooms, electronic classrooms, the Bowman Conference Room, a mother’s room (for lactation needs), the Fletcher Jones Foundation Auditorium, and the Mr. & Mrs. Leonis Malburg Atrium.



Part of the original Villa Cabrini, Cabrini Hall houses the Fashion Design Department, the Judith Tamkin Fashion Center, Fashion Study Collections, the Nan Rae Gallery, Woody’s Café, and the dining hall. Design studios and the dining hall are accessible 24/7. In addition, there are some faculty offices on the first floor.



Technology is a shared resource on campus. Each building offers students a variety of computer labs and other technological resources, from laser cutters and render farms to printers, plotters, and smart computer-based classrooms.


Black-and-white and color printing and plotting are available in computer labs at the student’s expense.


Student lab techs are present during all open lab hours and are the initial resource for resolving any lab-based problems students might experience.


Internet access is available from all computer lab workstations as well as from the University’s Wi-Fi network, which is available from anywhere on campus (except residence halls, which have their own Wi-Fi internet access).



The Design Center is dedicated to art, design, computer science, and computer information systems. These departments share computer facilities and studio classrooms and have archival storage space. The Design Center houses the Gilbert Psychology, lighting, screen-printing, computer design, computer information systems, and photography labs, plus Design Foundation studios. Many of the design studios in the Design Center are accessible 24/7.


Digital Resource Center (DRC)

The DRC is a support center, not a teaching lab, that offers expanded computer services designed to support students in Animation, Graphic Design, and Interior Architecture. It is equipped with four computer stations with Cintiq pen tablets and space for setting up laptops. Large printers, plotters, and a large-format scanner enable students to print assignments. A small render farm supports the Architecture students in rendering large-scale, high-resolution prints for presentation. Single licenses of specific animation software are installed in this room. Students and faculty are able to use the DRC as a meeting space to discuss digital assignments without interfering with ongoing classes in the teaching labs.


Computer Science and Business Computer Information Systems Lab

This lab is shared by both Computer Science and Business Computer Information Systems departments. It is primarily used for courses within these departments, but is available to other courses when not occupied. This lab was funded by the Department of Education Title V Hispanic Serving Institution Grant (P031s190217) awarded to Woodbury University in 2019.


Graphic Design Photography and Screen-printing Labs

The photography facilities include a dry-mount room and an adjacent shooting lab available for product photography. The lab areas also house the necessary equipment for the silk-screen program. Access to the photography lab facility is by appointment only with a trained lab technician. Appointments are scheduled by the administrative assistant for Graphic Design in the School of Media, Culture & Design.


Material Library and Lighting Lab

This lab, located on the first floor of the Design Center, is primarily for the use of Interior Architecture students. It houses state-of-the-art lighting fixtures and controls and accompanying software used to create multiple lighting scenarios for interior environments. In addition, there are resources for interior material and furnishings.



Entertainment Media houses a sound stage, a screening theater and sound-mixing room, prop storage, scene docks, and audition and rehearsal rooms. The building is located on the upper quad.



Nan Rae Gallery

The Nan Rae Gallery is the University’s main gallery. It is a modern, open-plan facility in the basement of Cabrini Hall and hosts exhibitions of student work, along with the work of visiting artists.


Powell Gallery

This is an open, two-story gallery on the first floor of the Design Center. It is most often used for departmental studio reviews, which can be viewed in-progress by faculty members and students from all programs. This gallery is outfitted for multi-media projection and is available for exhibitions and lectures.


Judith Tamkin Fashion Center

Located in Cabrini Hall, the Judith Tamkin Fashion Center houses rotating exhibitions of items from the Fashion Study Collection, as well as student work. The Woodbury University Fashion Study Collection, consisting of more than 6,000 garments and accessories that represent the clothing history of the past 200 years, is available as a hands-on resource to students and faculty. Students may intern with the curator to work on displays and assist in the management of the collection.


Wedge Gallery

The Wedge Gallery in the Architecture Complex offers exhibits of student and faculty work.



Hensel Hall is the main administration building. It houses the offices of the Senior Administration, Human Resources, Academic Affairs, Campus Event Planning, and the Office of the President.



The Isaacs Faculty Center houses most of the full-time faculty from three of the University’s four schools as well as the offices of the deans, associate deans, chairs, and administrative staff of the School of Architecture, the School of Media, Culture & Design, and the College of Liberal Arts. It has two conference rooms: the large Kirkendall Conference Room and the smaller Nielsen Conference Room. It also houses the Biology Lab.



The library’s physical spaces provide access to collections that include print and digital media. To accommodate diverse study needs and learning styles, there are spaces for individual quiet study as well as group study areas. Wi-Fi access to the internet is available throughout the library facility and courtyard. The Electronic Study Hall classroom houses desktop computer workstations in a lab setting and is available for quiet study when not reserved for classes. The Enkeboll Courtyard is an outdoor meeting space located within the library.



Miller Hall houses the Consolidated Student Service Center, which includes the Business Affairs Office, Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid Office, Admissions Office, and Reception. The building also houses Information Technology (IT) computer labs and smart classrooms (Game Lab, M101; Broadcast Studio, M111).



The Physical Plant Operations building houses the Maintenance Department. The Maintenance Department oversees the maintenance of campus buildings and grounds. It also provides services required for safety and other regulatory compliance issues, special event support services, and cleaning services.[HA1]



The Security and Parking Operations Department’s priority is the safety and security of all students and personnel on campus. Security officers are certified in first aid and CPR, and they serve as first-responding units for any emergency on campus. The security kiosk, located at the main entrance of the University at the front gate (intersection of Glenoaks and Cohasset), is staffed by security officers 24/7 throughout the year. The University’s security coordinator has an office in the Whitten Student Center.


Listed below are important contact phone numbers for the Security and Parking Operations Department:

818.252.5208      24/7 Security Patrol

818.252.5250      Security Coordinator



Woodbury’s residence halls house approximately 225 students at Woodbury’s Burbank campus. North Hall, the newer of the two buildings, offers breathtaking views of the San Fernando Valley. Centrally located is South Hall, which houses the Associated Students of Woodbury University (ASWU) Fitness Center. South Hall is also adjacent to the ASWU pool house.



The Whitten Student Center, named after beloved former Woodbury president R.H. “Pop” Whitten, houses the Office of Student Affairs (academic support and student life), the Writing Department, the Writing Center, International Student Services, and the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL). Central Services, the Security Office, and the First Aid Station are also housed in the Whitten Center. The lounge, computer stations, tutoring areas, seminar room, and meeting spaces serve as popular gathering spots for students.

The most significant product of the Physical Plant Operation is service. The Physical Plant serves students, faculty, and staff by maintaining the campus buildings and grounds. In addition to maintaining the beauty of our grounds and shrubs, our talented crafters, mechanics, and maintenance staff also keep our buildings clean, supply heating, cooling, and electrical power. The purpose of PPO is to offer support services for the University of Woodbury's academic, research, and public service endeavors. Utility maintenance and operation, small improvements, and other related activities are examples of support services. Our mission is to offer the Woodbury community the greatest service in a comfortable, functional, and safe environment. [HA1] [HA1]