Student Handbook

Events With Alcohol

While Woodbury University’s alcohol policy reflects current interpretations of federal, state, and local laws governing the possession, distribution, and use of alcohol, it also expresses the University’s commitment to responsible drinking and behavior.

For the purposes of this policy, an “event with alcohol” is defined as an official gathering—either on or off campus—sponsored by Woodbury University or any of its constituent groups at which alcohol is served. The timing and location of all events where alcohol is present must be sensitive to the academic mission and needs of the University community. The presence of alcohol at these events creates a need to manage activities with greater care and more attention to the conduct of those present. Those who choose to attend events where alcoholic beverages will be served and consumed must assume responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

  1. Alcoholic beverages may not be served at official Woodbury University events without proper registration. All events with alcohol must be registered via the Facility Reservation and Event Authorization (FREA) process at least two weeks prior to the event date. A completed Host Responsibility Form for Events with Alcohol* (for events sponsored by faculty or staff members) or Petition for Student Organization Event with Alcohol* (for student organizations) must be completed by the event host and attached to the FREA form. Some club events, parties, and certain other events involving students may require one host per 100 guests expected to attend. The Dean of Students must approve all student organization events with alcohol.
  2. Consumption of alcoholic beverages must be limited to the location(s) pre-approved for the event via the FREA process. Additionally, access to the event must be controlled. Alcoholic beverages may only be served by vendors contracted through Woodbury’s food service provider or, for off-campus events, by staff from a venue in possession.
  3. Service of alcoholic beverages shall be limited to those aged 21 years and older, while access to alcoholic beverage service areas by those under 21 shall be monitored. There must be a system in place to ensure that no one under 21 years of age is served any alcoholic beverages. Such systems may include, but are not limited to:
    1. Checking of government-issued picture identification at entrances (acceptable identification includes a valid driver’s license with photo, a government-issued photo ID card, or a passport); University identification cards are not sufficient proof of age
    2. Use of a wristband of all persons determined to be of legal drinking age.
    3. For events on university property, Woodbury student identification should always be checked against a list of birthdays obtained from the Student Affairs Office.
    4. The system that will be used for events hosted by faculty or staff members must be described on the Host Responsibility Form for Events with Alcohol. The system that must be used for events hosted by student organizations is described in the Guidelines for Student Organization Events with Alcohol.
  4. At a minimum, servers and hosts should ensure that alcohol use at the event is responsible and safe by observing the following guidelines:
    1. Guests may not be served more than one alcoholic beverage per hour, not to exceed four alcoholic beverages total. An alcoholic beverage is defined as 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of hard alcohol. Only non-alcoholic beverages may be served during the last hour of events lasting four hours or longer. Obviously, intoxicated persons are not to be served alcoholic beverages.
    2. Event hosts and sponsoring departments/ organizations are required to provide, in sufficient quantity throughout the event, food and one or more non-alcoholic beverage choices (i.e., soda, water, juice, or coffee). If alcohol is being provided at no cost, food and non-alcoholic beverages must also be provided at no cost. If alcohol is available for purchase, food and non-alcoholic beverages also must be available for purchase or provided at no cost.
    3. Drinking games, or any activities that encourage or contribute to alcohol overindulgence or abuse, are prohibited.
    4. Service of alcohol from a large, open, common source containers (such as a punch bowl) are prohibited.
  5. Woodbury University security may be required for events with alcohol, depending upon the nature of the event and expected attendance using the following rubric as a guideline. This rubric will also be used to determine if a security supervisor is required. Sponsoring departments/organizations are responsible for the cost of event security.
    1. Event access must be controlled. Reasoning: Guests must stay within certain areas OR fire exits must be kept clear OR alcohol must be kept inside event venue, Examples: Concert; outdoor event with alcohol
    2. There are expensive items or equipment present Reasoning: To ensure security of items or equipment, Examples: Art exhibit
    3. The event is at night Reasoning: There are few staff onsite to assist in the event of an emergency, Examples: Dance
    4. The event is potentially controversial Reasoning: There is increased potential for an incident or emergency, Examples: Political speaker; rally
    5. There may be 1,000 or more attendees Reasoning: To assist with crowd control AND there is increased potential for an incident or emergency, Examples: Festival; commencement
    6. There may be 200 or more students with few faculty/staff Reasoning: To assist with crowd control AND there is increased potential for an incident or emergency and few faculty/staff to assist, Examples: Student organization party
    7. There will be an open bar AND individuals under 21 may be present Reasoning: To assist with upholding alcohol policies, Examples: Networking event
    8. There will be an open bar AND more than 150 attendees Reasoning: To assist with upholding alcohol policies and to assist with crowd control AND there is increased potential for an incident or emergency, Examples: Cocktail reception
    9. Alcohol will be served AND there will be 75 or more students with few faculty/staff Reasoning: To assist with crowd control AND there is increased potential for an incident or emergency and few faculty/staff to assist, Examples: Student organization club event
    10. Event hosts and sponsoring departments/ organizations must ensure that all event promotion is appropriate. Event advertising (i.e., flyers, banners, invitations, T-shirts, signs, etc.) must not overtly or covertly focus on alcohol consumption as the primary purpose of the event.
  6. Student organizations should additionally reference the Guidelines for Student Organization Events with Alcohol. The conditions above do not apply to events that are considered private. Private events are defined as the following:
  • Events hosted by faculty or staff members where attendance is determined by personal invitation to a limited number of individuals.
  • On-campus events hosted by student organizations where attendance is determined by personal invitation to a limited number of individuals and the organization’s advisors are present for the entire event.
  • Student organization meals held at a venue in possession of a valid liquor license (to be confirmed at LQSMenu.html) where attendance is limited to the organization’s active members.

Private events will adhere to Woodbury University’s Alcohol Policy, which prohibits the possession or consumption of alcohol by any individual under the age of 21, as well as to California State Law, which prohibits furnishing alcohol to persons under the age of 21. Additionally, alcohol may not be consumed in campus parking lots or at the ASWU Pool House unless prior approval has been issued by Student Affairs.