Student Handbook

Off-Campus Travel Instructions for Trip Coordinators

    1. The guidelines below and applicable forms should be distributed to students prior to the date of departure to provide ample time for documents to be reviewed and completed.

    2. for every type of off-campus travel.requiredNot all travel forms are

    a. coordinator (Woodbury employee) who will obtain necessary approvals.appropriate trip. To be completed by the required Authorization for Student Trips – Always Travel

    b. Each student has to sign this form.. required for Student Travel – Always Guidelines

    c. complete this form for off-campus travel that is overnight and/or involves required to Release & Indemnification and Student Medical Information and Release Form – Each student Liability

    d. when a student drives another student to and/or from Woodbury University off- campus activity. Each driver must complete this form and attach a copy of their valid driver’s license. This form must be completed regardless of ownership of the vehicle driven.required Safety Regulations and Agreement – Only Driver

    3. prior to the date of departure.30 days originals to Student Affairs submit copies of forms while traveling and retainThe trip coordinator should


    reimburse the University for fees and/or expenses incurred because of non-attendance.are required to in any off-campus activities are expected to attend all scheduled events. Students who fail to attend events participatingStudents


    any damages or any expenses (i.e., phone calls, room service, etc.) incurred beyond the cost of responsible for in accommodation arranged prior to the event. Students may share a room only with members of the same gender. A student resideIf activities outside of class require an overnight stay, students are expected to


    to drive vehicles rented by the University.permittedWhen taking students on trips, it is the University’s recommendation that transportation be arranged so that all students are in one place and driven by a trusted driver. Students driving other students in prearranged carpools must sign and abide by the Student Driver Safety Regulations and Agreement Form. A copy of the student’s driver’s license must be attached to the form. Only Woodbury University staff or faculty members are

    Health Insurance

     if you have questions about coverage.the Student Affairs Office or filed proof of personal medical insurance coverage. Please contact purchasedWoodbury University requires that all students have medical insurance. Students may not take part in an off-campus activity if they have not

    Alcohol and Controlled Substances 

    the use of alcohol and controlled substances. Additionally, students are expected to conform to policies of the University as well as to those specific to the event itself.regardingStudents are expected to obey local, state, and federal laws

    Business Office 

    overnight travel.Students with outstanding balances on their student accounts or who have been involved in disciplinary actions are not permitted to attend off-campus events involving


    to return to the University prematurely at their own expense. In addition, inappropriate behavior will be addressed through the University’s conduct required inappropriate behavior may exhibitStudents are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the policies of the University as published in the Code of Student Conduct. Students who

    Students with Disabilities 

    Woodbury University is committed to providing students with disabilities with equal access to all university programs, services, and activities as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make this possible, the Office of Disabilities and Accessibility Services (ODAS) grants reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities. Any student who anticipates needing accommodations while accessing a university program, including while traveling or participating in university-sponsored activities, should contact ODAS and follow the policy and procedures for seeking accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to disclose a disability to ODAS and request accommodations. Students should make requests for accommodations and provide necessary documentation as early as possible, as accommodations will take time to arrange. ODAS is unable to grant accommodations that are unduly burdensome or that fundamentally alter the nature of the program. Students may contact ODAS at, or refer to the Office of Disabilities and Accessibility Services section of the Student Handbook for further information.

    Liability Release & Indemnification and Student Medical Information and Release Form 

    Students must fill out a Liability Release & Indemnification and Student Medical Information and Release Form prior to the off-campus travel and/or activity. Any student who has a potential medical issue should inform the Woodbury employee responsible. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure