
Independent and Directed Study

Independent and Directed Study




Independent study is a mode of study available on a limited basis to students who have achieved high levels of aca-demic performance. Independent study courses answer the need for individual research and expression in areas of special interest for which the University does not offer specific classroom courses. It provides a learning experience in selecting a study project, mastering the necessary library and research techniques for gathering data, and devising a suitable means of communicating the results of the project. Such experiences permit self-testing that comes with self-imposed assignments and discipline. The demands are rigorous; however, there is great potential for high-level achievement through self-directed learning.



Independent study courses are student-initiated with goals, objectives, learning outcomes, and assessment procedures designed by the student and an appropriate faculty sponsor. An independent study course may not duplicate a regular classroom course of study offered by the University. The dean of the appropriate school must approve each independent study course.



● Undergraduate students who have obtained sophomore standing (30 units) and are in good academic standing are eligible to apply for courses by independent study.

● Graduate students in good standing are eligible to apply for courses by independent study.

● Students must demonstrate to the proposed faculty sponsor that they have the academic pre-requisites and/or related experience necessary to perform the projected study.

● Generally, non-matriculated students are ineligible to undertake courses by independent study.


Registration Authorization

● Registration for a course by independent study is authorized only after the independent study contract has been approved.

● Registration must be completed by the first day of the third week of the semester of enrollment. Therefore, it is expected that students will complete their application for independent study and receive final approval of the independent study contract prior to the beginning of the semester intended for registration.

Exceptions for late registration must receive the approval of the Faculty Academic Policy Appeals Committee.


Final Evaluation and Grading

A final letter grade is to be issued at the end of the semester of the registration. The final grade is based on the faculty sponsor’s assessment of the student learning as outlined in the independent study contract under the instructional objectives, learning outcomes, and evaluation criteria. A passing grade may not be earned when there is an absence of a final written paper or project summary.




Directed study is available to students who, due to extenuating circumstances, cannot enroll in a regularly scheduled course. Directed study allows students to do the work of a regular, specified course by accessing the material without regular classroom attendance. This may be done whether or not the class is offered during the semester of registration. The same learning must be demonstrated as that achieved by students attending the regular class; alternative arrangements for exams and other requirements are subject to approval by the instructor.



● Students must demonstrate to the proposed faculty sponsor that they have the academic pre-requisites necessary to perform the directed study.

● Generally, non-matriculated students, are ineligible to undertake courses by directed study.


Registration Authorization

● Registration for a course by directed study is authorized only after the directed study contract has been ap-proved.

● Exceptions for late registration must receive the approval of the Faculty Academic Policy Appeals Committee.