Program Learning Outcomes
Based on the course descriptions for this program, the following list of goals and learning outcomes are identified. Goals are stated more broadly than student learning outcomes (SLOs); the specific SLOs are included under the relevant goal.
Goal 1: Knowledge of theories and concepts regarding organizations and leadership (Transdisciplinarity, Entrepreneurship)
SLO 1.1: Evaluate the relevance of traditional and contemporary leadership and organizational theories and concepts to specific situations.
SLO 1.2: Compare and contrast theories regarding employee dynamics, development, and motivation.
Goal 2: Critical, analytical, strategic, and systems thinking (Transdisciplinarity, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship)
SLO 2.1: Employ systems thinking when approaching issues or situations
SLO 2.2: Employ an Assess, Plan, Implement, and Evaluate approach to issues or situations
SLO 2.3: Propose and conduct research related to organizations and leadership.
SLO 2.4: Critically consume and/or apply published research related to leadership and organizations.
Goal 3: Effective communication (Transdisciplinarity, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Civic Engagement)
SLO 3.1: Communicate effectively in both oral and written formats.
SLO 3.2: Identify and characterize non-verbal communication.
Goal 4: Ethical employee, leader, member of the community (Civic Engagement)
SLO 4.1: Articulate and prioritize ethical principles of leadership.
SLO 4.2: Formulate ethical decision-making approach.
Goal 5: Conflict mitigation (Transdisciplinarity, Civic Engagement)
SLO 5.1: Display appreciation for diverse viewpoints.
SLO 5.2: Detect, differentiate, and diffuse interpersonal conflict.
Goal 6: Self-understanding of leadership strengths and areas for improvement (Design Thinking)
SLO 6.1: Relate leader effectiveness to concepts of Emotional Intelligence.
Assessment Process
Formative Assessment Experiences
The currency and relevance of the MOL curriculum is ensured through formative assessment by the faculty in terms of the development of knowledge, skill sets, and behaviors in a system of continuous improvement by reviewing and analyzing data gathered through rubrics from various courses at the end of each semester. Through a rigorous gap analysis, areas for improvement are identified and changes implemented to close the loop.
Summative Assessment Experiences
By way of culminating learning experience, the MOL program requires a Capstone Leadership Project (CLP) which is designed to garner a thorough understanding, application, and synthesis of the Master of Organizational Leadership (MOL) program competencies. In this course, the participants will select a real-life leadership challenge and synergistically apply the competencies they have learned in various MOL courses in resolving the challenge. By using a nuanced rubric, the summative assessment will be conducted in this course to ensure that the overall goals of the MOL have been successfully achieved.
Program Specific Academic Standards
Academic Standards
To remain in good standing and qualify for graduation, MOL students are required to achieve and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0.
MOL Admission Requirements are:
- A minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5.
- Two professional and/or academic letters of recommendation.
- A two- to three-page essay describing your qualifications for acceptance into the MOL program. Address your leadership potential, motivational aptitude, and career goals. Discuss how Woodbury’s MOL will assist you in accomplishing your goals.
Note: GMAT/GRE is not required
Additional Learning Opportunities
Guest speakers are an important enhancement of learning in this program.