
MGMT 630 Creativity in Management

This course focuses on creative thinking as the key to organizational innovation. Students will be challenged to define or reframe problems, and formulate solutions or approaches that diverge from the norm. Design thinking and decision-making among multiple options will be central themes of the course, thus responding to contemporary organizational requirements of thinking beyond dated horizons, and exploring the most viable solutions given the skills and resources available. Through exercises involving task force approaches, project development and proposal completion, and reflections to explore various innovative problem solving methods, students will develop the ability to think critically and creatively when faced with challenges. With the philosophical roots of politics, globalization, economic and financial trends revealed, students will be encouraged to step outside a narrow perceptional framework and into the broad and creative realm of current and managerial performance. Prerequisite: MGMT 506, Management and Organizational Behavior and graduate standing.




MGMT 506