
MGMT 643 Healthy, Humane, and Sustainable Living

This survey course explores the ethics and sustainability of food systems in terms of healthy, humane and sustainable business practices. Research has shown that our food intake directly affects not only our own health but also the health of the planet. This course will address a vital question: Which food is best for us, best for our planet, and best for all living beings? Some of the topics that will be covered are: Food safety, Food Sustainability, Ethics and Sustainability of a Plant-Based, whole food diet, Global Warming, Vegetarianism, Veganism, Deep Ecology, Sustainable Food Systems, Social Sustainability, GMOs, Sustainable Enterprise, Conscious Consumption, Total Ecological Footprint, Public and Private Sector Collaboration for Sustainability, Food Politics, Compassion towards Animals, Plant-Forward, Eating for the Planet, Manus of Change. Lecture. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
