
MGMT 665 Emotional Intelligence

This survey course introduces students to the key emotional intelligence issues related to organizational performance, such as the role of emotions in decision-making, and thinking strategically about information contained in emotions. We will examine and evaluate existing scientific views on EI and its measuring options. Learning objectives include: assimilating Emotional Intelligence theory components; self-assessing to recognize areas for professional and organizational growth; reporting on the use and validity of Emotional Intelligence as a means for enhancing professional and organizational success; and gaining skills to apply Emotional Intelligence strategies to daily workplace situations, relationships, and challenges. These skills can be applied in leadership positions pursued by graduate students. While the Emotional Intelligence development focus of this course is the use of skills in a student's place of employment, students are encouraged to apply these skills in addressing all aspects of their lives - at home, in the community, and in the classroom. As the result of this course, students will have enhanced skill set through which they can perform professional duties at work and in life. Prerequisites: MGMT 605, Managing and Leading Organizations Ethically




MGMT 605